Sunday, 20 January 2013

Chapter 10: Selecting the Best Alternative Design Strategy

True-False Questions

1.      Requirements regarding the system’s data, calculations, presentations, and performance expectations are called features.

Answer:    True                 Page Reference:  273                         Difficulty:  Moderate

2.      By the time alternative design strategies have been enumerated, top management has committed to completing the project.

Answer:    False                Page Reference:  274                         Difficulty:  Moderate

3.      Before enumerating alternative design strategies, it is useful to organize system requirements into mandatory, essential, and desired categories.

Answer:    True                 Page Reference:  275, 282                 Difficulty:  Moderate

4.      Extensive use of outsourcing arrangements supports partial or complete dissolution of a company’s information systems department.

Answer:    True                 Page Reference:  276-277                  Difficulty:  Moderate

5.      IBM is the industry leader in revenue generated from software services and products.

Answer:    True                 Page Reference:  277-278                  Difficulty:  Moderate

6.      Turnkey systems are typically highly modifiable.

Answer:    False                Page Reference:  279                         Difficulty:  Moderate

7.      Because open-source software is free, developers create it without expectation of profitable income.

Answer:    False                Page Reference:  280                         Difficulty:  Moderate

8.      Accenture is a leading provider of prepackaged software.

Answer:    False                Page Reference:  277-278                  Difficulty:  Moderate

9.      IT Service firms are useful for companies with little in-house expertise whose needs cannot be satisfied by off-the-shelf software.

Answer:    True                 Page Reference:  278                         Difficulty:  Easy

10.  A shift to ERP systems sometimes requires companies to change their business processes.

Answer:    True                 Page Reference:  279-280                  Difficulty:  Moderate

11.  It is typical to develop a system by mixing in-house development with purchased components or services.

Answer:    True                 Page Reference:  281                         Difficulty:  Moderate

12.  Small software vendors find it difficult to adjust their software to accommodate changes in hardware and operating systems.

Answer:    True                 Page Reference:  282                         Difficulty:  Moderate

13.  Programming languages and code generators are considered to belong to the category of system software.

Answer:    True                 Page Reference:  283             Difficulty:  Moderate

14.  RFP documents are sent as advertising brochures from vendors to potential clients.

Answer:    False                Page Reference:  284                         Difficulty:  Moderate

15.  Weighted scoring is a common approach for evaluating system design strategies.

Answer:    True                 Page Reference:  285-286                  Difficulty:  Moderate

16.  Two-tier systems are more scalable than three-tier systems.

Answer:    False                Page Reference:  287                         Difficulty:  Moderate

17.  An application server sends client requests to a Web server.

Answer:    False                Page Reference:  287                         Difficulty:  Moderate

18.  Another word for the middle-tier server is “fail-over server”

Answer:    False                Page Reference:  287                         Difficulty:  Moderate

19.  User authentication typically takes place in the application server.

Answer:    True                 Page Reference:  287-288                  Difficulty:  Moderate

20.  The updated version of a baseline project plan is typically longer than the original.

Answer:    True                 Page Reference:  288                         Difficulty:  Moderate

21.  Since feasibility assessment issues would have been dealt with in the original baseline project plan, these are usually not significantly changed when updating the BPP after selecting alternative design strategies.

Answer:    False                Page Reference:  289-290                  Difficulty:  Moderate

Multiple-Choice Questions

22.  Shaping alternative design strategies involve all of the following steps EXCEPT:

a.       translating user requirements into analysis classes.
b.      dividing requirements into sets of capabilities.
c.       enumerating potential implementation environments.
d.      proposing methods for capabilities acquisition or sourcing.

Answer: a                          Page Reference:  273-274                  Difficulty:  Moderate

23.  As a rule of thumb, the best number of alternative design strategies to generate is:

a.       one.
b.      three.
c.       five.
d.      eight.

Answer: b                         Page Reference:  274                         Difficulty:  Moderate

24.  Which of the following would be considered a system feature to consider when selecting alternative design strategies?

a.       Response time expectations
b.      Limits on outsourcing proprietary data
c.       Legal or contractual limitations
d.      Availability of human resources

Answer: a                          Page Reference:  275-276                  Difficulty:  Moderate

25.  Which of the following would be considered a system development constraint to consider when selecting alternative design strategies?

a.       System file data requirements
b.      Online display look-and-feel
c.       Deadline date for replacement system
d.      Necessity for forecasting module

Answer: c                          Page Reference:  276                         Difficulty:  Moderate

26.  Which firm is known for developing prepackaged application software products?

a.       Microsoft
b.      IBM
c.       SAP AG
d.      Accenture

Answer: a                          Page Reference:  278-279                  Difficulty:  Moderate

27.  Which firm is known as a leading vendor of enterprise-resource planning systems?

a.       EDS
b.      Price Waterhouse Cooper
c.       SAP AG
d.      Compaq

Answer: c                          Page Reference:  280                         Difficulty:  Moderate

28.  The practice of relying on another organization to develop or run a company’s information systems application is called:

a.       application servicing.
b.      consulting.
c.       vendoring.
d.      outsourcing.

Answer: d                         Page Reference:  276-277                  Difficulty:  Easy

29.  Five of the top 10 global software firms specialize in:

a.       operating systems.
b.      IT consulting services.
c.       prepackaged software products.
d.      business process management.

Answer: b                         Page Reference:  278                         Difficulty:  Moderate

30.  ____________ systems are off-the-shelf software products that cannot be modified to meet the individual needs of a particular organization.

a.       Packaged
b.      Application
c.       Turnkey
d.      Fixed

Answer: c                          Page Reference:  279                         Difficulty:  Moderate

31.  ERP systems are characterized by providing:

a.       linkages between application software and databases.
b.      web services for Internet-based systems.
c.       design alternatives for outsourced applications.
d.      seamless transaction operations across business functions.

Answer: d                         Page Reference:  279-280                  Difficulty:  Moderate

32.  Which of the following is a well-known open-source software product?

a.       SAP
b.      mySql
c.       PVF
d.      Oracle

Answer: b                         Page Reference:  280                         Difficulty:  Moderate

33.  As a general rule of thumb, which of the following packaged software selection criteria should always be considered most important?

a.       Documentation
b.      Flexibility
c.       Vendor support
d.      Ease of installation

Answer: c                          Page Reference:  281             Difficulty:  Moderate

34.  Which type of software is most likely to be provided by a hardware manufacturer?

a.       General-purpose applications
b.      System software and utilities
c.       Enterprise-wide information systems
d.      Customized applications

Answer: b                         Page Reference:  283                         Difficulty:  Moderate

35.  Which of the following factors support the decision to upgrade to new hardware or system software when developing a new information system instead of staying with older platforms?

a.       Ease of integration with existing systems.
b.      System development cost minimization.
c.       Familiarity and comfort.
d.      Migration toward object-oriented software.

Answer: d                         Page Reference:  283-284                  Difficulty:  Moderate

36.  RFPs are most likely to be used when:

a.       outsourcing is employed for systems development.
b.      the baseline plan is being updated after vendors have been selected.
c.       the application will be created by in-house programming staff.
d.      The decision has been made to discontinue the development project.

Answer: a                          Page Reference:  284                         Difficulty:  Moderate

37.  In the weighted approach to evaluating alternative design solutions, the weight refers to:

a.       the quality of a potential design solution regarding a particular criterion.
b.      the overall score of a design solution.
c.       the importance of a requirement or constraint.
d.      the influence of a particular stakeholder’s opinion.

Answer: c                          Page Reference:  285-286                  Difficulty:  Moderate

38.  ____________ refers to the ability for a system’s capabilities to be seamlessly updated through hardware and/or software upgrades.

a.       Scalability
b.      Version control
c.       Flexibility
d.      Architecture

Answer: a                          Page Reference:  287                         Difficulty:  Easy

39.  In a three-tier architecture, the application server is typically in the ____________ tier.

a.       first
b.      second
c.       third
d.      first and third

Answer: b                         Page Reference:  287                         Difficulty:  Moderate

40.  In a multi-tier Internet-based systems, management of client interactions and broker requests is handled by the:

a.       application server.
b.      database server.
c.       web server.
d.      fail-over server.

Answer: c                          Page Reference:  287-288                  Difficulty:  Easy

41.  In a multi-tier Internet-based systems, transaction processing logic is processed primarily by the:

a.       application server.
b.      database server
c.       Web server.
d.      fail-over server.

Answer: a                          Page Reference:  287-288                  Difficulty:  Easy

42.  The major document used by the steering committee to decide whether to go to the design phase of a systems development project is the:

a.       project charter.
b.      request for proposal.
c.       technical system documentation.
d.      updated baseline plan.

Answer: d                         Page Reference:  288             Difficulty:  Easy

Essay Questions

43.  Describe the three main processes involved in shaping alternative system design strategies.  In theory, what is the maximum potential number of strategies that can result from these processes? Based on these processes, what are the deliverables and outcomes that should result from these processes?


The three processes are (1) dividing requirements into sets of system capabilities, (2) enumerating potential implementation environments, and (3) identifying potential sources. The capabilities can be subdivided according to necessity. For example, capabilities can range from bare minimum necessity to essential to “nice to have.”  Alternatively, capabilities could be grouped based on organizational units. Implementation environments to be selected include hardware, system software, and network platforms. Development sources range from prepacked software to outsourcing to in-house development. The potential number of strategies is the product of the number of sets of capabilities times the number of implementation environments times the number of sources. At the end of these processes, the deliverables should include a minimum of three substantially different design strategies (representing low-end, midrange, and high-end solutions), an identification of and rationale for one strategy, and a baseline project plan for the recommended design strategy.

                                          Page Reference:  273-274                  Difficulty:  Moderate

44.  What is outsourcing? Describe some working arrangements that qualify as types of outsourcing. What are some reasons that a company may want to outsource some of its systems development or maintenance operations?


Outsourcing is the practice of turning over responsibility for portions of an organization’s information systems applications and operations over to another firm. This could mean that the company’s applications are developed by the outsourcing firm, that they run on computers held at the outsourcer’s site, or even that the outsourcing company takes over responsibility for all information systems functions, so that the IS department of the client company can be completely dissolved. Outsourcing can prove cost effective. For example, an outsourcing firm that specializes in a particular business function, such as payroll or order processing, can use economies of scale to provide their services for a large number of clients. Also, since many client companies do not consider their information systems management to be part of their core mission or competencies, they may be attracted to sharing this burden with other organizations that specialize in IT services. This can often help the client company overcome technical, personnel, and operating problems.

                                          Page Reference:  276-277                  Difficulty:  Moderate

45.  List and describe six possible sources of software. Give an example of a leading company, product, or organization representing each of the external (not in-house) sources. Identify the type of software or service you would expect to obtain from each of these sources?


Software components are provided by the following main sources: IT service firms, prepackaged software producers, custom software producers, enterprise software vendors, and in-house staff. IT service firms help companies develop custom information systems and/or develop and host applications for clients. Surprisingly, IBM,  usually known as a hardware manufacturer,  is also a leader in IT Services, largely thanks to its merger with Price Waterhouse Cooper. The leader in prepackaged software delivery is Microsoft, who provides operating systems as well as a host of off-the-shelf products, most notably for office applications such as word processors and spreadsheet software. In general prepackaged software vendors will be used when the software components are required to support generic tasks. Custom software producers are used for outsourcing development of software products that meet the specific needs of an individual company or organization. Accenture and Capgemini are leaders in this category. Enterprise solutions vendors produce ERP systems (enterprise resource planning) applications that are seamlessly integrated across functional boundaries. SAP AG is the leading ERP provider. Open-source software is distinctive in being free, non-proprietary, and also providing the source code to anyone free of charge. Linux, mySql, and Firefox are famous examples, and many others can be seen on Finally, in-house staff can be utilized for developing custom software for the organization if the technical expertise is available.

                                          Page Reference:  277-281                  Difficulty:  Moderate

46.  What is an ERP system? How does it differ from other software solutions such as prepackaged or custom software? What are advantages and disadvantages of ERP systems?


ERP stands for Enterprise Resource Planning. This refers to information systems that integrate individual business functions into modules, thereby enabling a single information system to seamlessly perform all operations regarding business transactions, including order processing, manufacturing, inventory control, shipping, billing, accounting, and human resource functions. Unlike individual custom or prepackaged software products, which are typically built to support a particular functional unit of the organization, ERP systems focus on business processes that cut across all functional units. This has the advantage of allowing a single repository of data to support all aspects of the business process. In addition, ERP systems are flexible, in that new modules can be added or modified as needed once the basic system is in place. However, ERP systems tend to be quite complex, requiring extensive implementation time. Also, in-house expertise is almost never available for these types of systems; thus an ERP user must rely on consultants who can be very expensive. Finally, because ERP systems impose a preset structure, this often necessitates that the organization alter its business processes to fit the restrictions of the ERP system.

                                          Page Reference:  279-280                  Difficulty:  Moderate

47.  What is open-source software, and why is it unique in comparison to other software sources?  How can open-source developers reap financial profits from providing this type of software? When is it appropriate to select this type of software source? Finally, identify three open-source software products.


The main distinctions that separate open-source software from other products are that (a) it is developed by a community of developers rather than employees of a particular company, (b) it is distributed free of charge to anyone who wants it, and (c) the source code is provided along with the executable product itself. Although it is provided for free, developers can still profit from this method of distribution. For example, the software can be provided free of charge, and then users could be charged for maintenance and services. Also, some vendors may provide one version of the software for free, and an enhanced version with more functionality for an additional fee. This software will be an appropriate choice for generic tasks when cost is a major issue. Three currently popular open-source products are Linux (an operating system), mySql (a database management system), and FireFox (a web browser).

                                          Page Reference:  280-281                  Difficulty:  Moderate

48.  List and describe the main criteria for selecting off-the-shelf software from external vendors. How are these criteria to be ranked in terms of importance level?


When selecting prepackaged software components, the analyst should consider a number of criteria. Cost is, of course, one factor; all things being equal, you would select the lowest cost product. More important is functionality. You want to select the product that most completely meets the needs of the organization, although it should be noted that prepackaged software solutions are generic and are unlikely to meet all specific needs of a company. At minimum, you should ensure that the software product meets the mandatory needs outlined when generating alternative design strategies. Off-the-shelf software products vary in flexibility; this pertains to how customizable the product is. The more flexible the product, the more likelihood that its can be tailored to meet your company’s specific requirements. Customization, however, can affect cost, so these factors must be weighed against each other. System performance issues such as response time are another important criterion. Another factor to consider is ease of installation, although this is generally a one-time or at least infrequent issue. Documentation can also be important; ideally a software product should include online help and technical documentation. Although these criteria may vary in importance based on the needs of the organization, the most important criteria are those involving the vendor. For example, it is imperative to select a well-respected vendor with a proven track record of viability. Also, you should make sure that the vendor provides substantial and reliable support for the product.

                                          Page Reference:  281-283                  Difficulty:  Moderate

49.  When purchasing a software package from an outside source, it is important to obtain as much valid information about the product as possible. What are some ways that an analyst may accomplish this task?


Analysts can obtain information about a vendor’s software product or services from many sources. One source is the vendor itself. Typically, a team of analysts will put together a request for proposals (RFP) or request for quotes (RFQ), and send this to potential vendors, who are then responsible to provide detailed information about the product or service they can render. Another way to obtain information is to actually spend some time using the software, running it through tests based on the user’s requirements. Thorough study of the technical and user documentation should also be done. Analysts can also query other users of the vendor’s product in order to gain their perspective on the product; vendors will often supply a list of their satisfied customers, and the experienced analyst should rely on her own network of contacts to get a more objective sample if possible. Trade publications often provide reviews of software products, so these can also be used as information. Finally, independent software testing services exist who can evaluate vendor products for a fee.

                                          Page Reference:  282-283                  Difficulty:  Moderate

50.  Discuss the issues to consider in deciding whether or not to convert to a different implementation environment when developing a new information system. What are the relative advantages and disadvantages of sticking with the old platform vs. moving to a new one?


The decisions regarding hardware and system software platforms are affected by the state of the current platform and the requirements of the new system, as well as the practices and mind-set of the organization. Sometimes new application components will necessitate a move to a new platform. For example, if the organization is moving from a legacy system to one involving new technology such as object-orientation, this may necessitate upgrading to a new database, switching from mainframe to client-server architecture, or upgrading the operating system.  Upgrading the implementation environment presents opportunities to the organization beyond the immediate issues regarding the new information system. It gives the organization an opportunity to increase the value of its technological holdings, and provides an incentive for making radical changes to business processes and information infrastructure. On the other hand, there are factors that support remaining with the old platform. Cost is certainly one factor; it is much more expensive to move to a new implementation environment. Also, it is easier to integrate the new application with existing information systems if the new application can be delivered on the existing environment. Familiarity and comfort are also important factors. Users already know the existing environment, and switching to a new one requires a steep learning curve. There may be less political resistance to the new system if it is delivered on the old platform.

                                          Page Reference:  283-284                  Difficulty:  Moderate

51.  Describe the main updates that will likely occur to the baseline project plan (BPP) as a result of design strategy selection. Be as comprehensive as possible, including discussion of each section of the BPP.


Several elements of the original BPP need to be modified during this stage of systems development. At this point, a more detailed analysis has been completed, and the information gained from this analysis changes, or at least refines, the assumptions that were in place when the BPP was originally developed. Each section of the original BPP will now be updated. The Introduction section should now include the recommendation of the preferred design strategy; this includes a summary of the important findings as well as any recommendations for subsequent activities. The System Description section should include detailed descriptions of all the alternative strategies together with comparison charts. The Feasibility Assessment will probably be modified significantly based on the knowledge gained during systems analysis, and should include much more detailed and accurate estimates of costs and benefits as well as a much better understanding of technical and organizational risks. In particular, the schedule, timeline, and resource requirements will be much more detailed than before; the Gantt or Pert charts will be more detailed based on (a) report and form designs, (b) data designs, (c) programming requirements, and (d) training and implementation issues. In addition, some tasks may be marked as already in progress or completed. Finally, the Management Issues section will be updated, specifying any employee performance issues, staffing changes needed, modifications to communication procedures, and any other management issues that were discovered during this phase.

                                          Page Reference:  287-293                  Difficulty:  Moderate

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