Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Chapter 3: Managing the Object-Oriented Information Systems Project

True-False Questions

1.      The creation of a system service request is usually done by the project review board.

Answer: False                   Page Reference: 53                            Difficulty:  Moderate

2.      Components constructed earlier in the project will typically require more rework than those created later in the project.

Answer: True                    Page Reference: 56                            Difficulty:  Easy

3.      In OOSAD systems development, it is better to tackle the easier problems first and save the harder problems for later in the project after the team has gained more experience.

Answer: False                   Page Reference: 57                            Difficulty:  Moderate

4.      Systems architecture decisions should be made in early stages of the OOSAD methodology.

Answer: True                    Page Reference: 58                            Difficulty:  Moderate

5.      Early planning in OOSAD projects should be highly detailed and structured.

Answer: False                   Page Reference: 59                            Difficulty:  Moderate

6.      Planning estimates that are made during the construction phase are likely to be more accurate than planning estimates made during the inception phase.

Answer: True                    Page Reference: 59                            Difficulty:  Moderate

7.      Project management and planning activities in OOSAD projects are most intense during the inception phase of a project and taper off as the project progresses.

Answer: False                   Page Reference: 59, 79                                  Difficulty:  Moderate

8.      The first alpha release of the major systems components typically occurs during the construction phase of the OOSAD project.

Answer: True                    Page Reference: 61, 78                      Difficulty:  Moderate

9.      The project charter includes details of project scheduling and resource allocation, and is developed during the project planning phase.

Answer: False                   Page Reference: 63                            Difficulty:  Moderate

10.  Plans regarding a long-term planning horizon are typically more focused and detailed than those covering a shorter-term horizon.

Answer: False                   Page Reference: 64                            Difficulty:  Moderate

11.  The project plan’s WBS indicates the proportion of time estimated for each task in the project.

Answer: False                   Page Reference: 65                            Difficulty:  Moderate

12.  In a network diagram, the horizontal size of a node indicates the duration of time the task takes to complete.

Answer: False                   Page Reference: 65-66                                   Difficulty:  Moderate

13.  COCOMO is a method for resource planning and estimation.

Answer: True                    Page Reference: 67                            Difficulty:  Moderate

14.  The level of formality is higher for a project newsletter than for minutes of meetings.

Answer: False                   Page Reference: 73                            Difficulty:  Moderate

15.  A post-project review is conducted only if the project resulted in actual successful deliverables.

Answer: False                   Page Reference: 73                            Difficulty:  Easy

16.  In critical path scheduling, calculating the late finish time for tasks requires working backward from the final task toward the first in the project.

Answer: True                    Page Reference: 77                            Difficulty:  Moderate

17.  The amount of time that a task can be delayed without delaying the start of its successor tasks is called slack time.

Answer: True                    Page Reference: 77                            Difficulty:  Moderate

18.  Total slack time is calculated using the PERT method.

Answer: False                   Page Reference: 77                            Difficulty:  Moderate

19.  Performing a critical path analysis requires knowledge of pessimistic and optimistic time estimates for each task.

Answer: False                   Page Reference: 79-80                                   Difficulty:  Moderate

20.  Performing a PERT analysis requires knowledge of a task’s predecessors and successors.

Answer: False                   Page Reference: 79-80                                   Difficulty:  Moderate

21.  In Microsoft Project, each task’s start date is automatically calculated based on the project’s start date and the task durations and dependencies.

Answer: True                    Page Reference: 82                            Difficulty:  Moderate

22.  Although Microsoft Project includes facilities for performing CPM and PERT analyses, it does not include functionality for determining resource utilization.

Answer: False                   Page Reference: 83                            Difficulty:  Moderate

Multiple-Choice Questions

23.  The project manager’s role differs from other systems analysts in that the project manager is responsible for:

a.       modeling the system.
b.      obtaining user requirements.
c.       planning and execution.
d.      programming the components.

Answer: c                          Page Reference:  52                           Difficulty:  Easy

24.  In many organizations, the initiation of a systems project is triggered by a:

a.       Project workbook.
b.      System service request.
c.       Feasibility study.
d.      Baseline plan.

Answer: b                         Page Reference:  53                           Difficulty:  Easy

25.  The project review board is responsible for:

a.       planning and monitoring progress on a project.
b.      evaluating and prioritizing proposed projects.
c.       performing comprehensive feasibility studies.
d.      initiating system service requests.

Answer: b                         Page Reference:  53-54                                  Difficulty:  Moderate

26.  Which of the following is NOT part of an SSR?

a.       User contact information
b.      Problem statement
c.       Identification of IS liaison
d.      Feasibility study

Answer: d                         Page Reference:  53-54                                  Difficulty:  Easy

27.  In order to facilitate management of a project as a series of iterations, the system components should be divided up as ____________ slices.

a.       vertical
b.      horizontal
c.       diagonal
d.      cross-sectional

Answer: a                          Page Reference:  56                           Difficulty:  Moderate

28.  In the OOSAD development process, the components developed early in the process:

a.       are typically the easiest problems to solve.
b.      require relatively little project management intervention.
c.       require the most reworking as the project proceeds.
d.      are the least time-consuming to develop.

Answer: c                          Page Reference:  56                           Difficulty:  Moderate

29.  With OOSAD development, unlike the traditional systems life cycle:

a.       extensive detailed planning is completed early in the project.
b.      difficult problems about system architecture are tackled early.
c.       accuracy of scheduling estimates decrease over time.
d.      management and planning activities are concentrated in the initial stages.

Answer: b                         Page Reference:  57                           Difficulty:  Moderate

30.  In a project undergoing OOSAD development, implementation issues are focused in the ____________ stage.

a.       elaboration
b.      transition
c.       construction
d.      inception

Answer: c                          Page Reference:  60                           Difficulty:  Moderate

31.  The repository of all project correspondences, inputs, outputs, deliverables, standards, and procedures is commonly known as the:

a.       project execution document.
b.      project workbook.
c.       project deliverable.
d.      project review.

Answer: b                         Page Reference:  63                           Difficulty:  Moderate

32.  The high-level document prepared for internal and external stakeholders, which formally announces a project and its objectives, is commonly known as the:

a.       project charter.
b.      project workbook.
c.       project evaluation.
d.      project review.

Answer: a                          Page Reference:  63                           Difficulty:  Moderate

33.  Durations of tasks in a project are graphically represented in a(n):

a.       network diagram.
b.      work breakdown structure.
c.       activity diagram.
d.      Gantt chart.

Answer: d                         Page Reference:  65                           Difficulty:  Moderate

34.  A work breakdown structure represents the:

a.       division of a project into tasks and subtasks.
b.      assignment of personnel to individual tasks in the project.
c.       cost and benefit breakdown for the tasks in a project.
d.      ranking of high-to-low priority projects.

Answer: a                          Page Reference:  65                           Difficulty:  Moderate

35.  A network diagram is appropriate if you want to see:

a.       division of tasks into subtasks.
b.      degree of temporal overlap between tasks.
c.       dependencies between tasks.
d.      risk level of each task.

Answer: c                          Page Reference:  65                           Difficulty:  Moderate

36.  Manageability of the project is enhanced when:

a.       each individual is assigned multiple varied tasks.
b.      resources are randomly distributed among tasks.
c.       communications between project members are highly restricted.
d.      each task is assigned to an individual or well-defined group.

Answer: d                         Page Reference:  66                           Difficulty:  Moderate

37.  The COCOMO method involves:

a.       determining critical paths in a network of tasks.
b.      using data from previous projects for resource estimation.
c.       performing cost-benefit analysis by establishing break-even points.
d.      establishing optimistic and pessimistic predictions of task duration.

Answer: b                         Page Reference:  67                           Difficulty:  Moderate

38.  Which of the following is the appropriate technique for determining a project's human resource requirements?

a.       PERT
b.      CPM
c.       COCOMO
d.      WBS

Answer: b                         Page Reference:  67                           Difficulty:  Moderate

39.  Which of the following activities takes place primarily during project execution?

a.       Establishing a baseline plan
b.      Defining project scope
c.       Monitoring project progress
d.      Closing the customer contract

Answer: c                          Page Reference:  70                           Difficulty:  Moderate

40.  Which of the following is most likely to require a formal change request to be submitted and approved?

a.       The need for a significant design modification
b.      A slipped completion date for an activity
c.       Sickness, resignation, or termination of an employee
d.      Identification of a new task that becomes evident later in the project

Answer: a                          Page Reference:  71                           Difficulty:  Moderate

41.  The sequence of tasks whose order and duration directly affect the completion date of a project is called a:

a.       schedule sequence.
b.      critical path.
c.       task dependency.
d.      sequence chart.

Answer: b                         Page Reference:  76                           Difficulty:  Moderate
42.  The nodes on the critical path:

a.       have the most slack time of any nodes in the project.
b.      represent the most important tasks of the project.
c.       represent the longest possible time the project can take.
d.      take the longest total duration of any path in the project.

Answer: d                         Page Reference:  76                           Difficulty:  Hard

43.  For a node with slack time:

a.       earliest estimated completion time precedes latest estimated completion time.
b.      earliest estimated completion time exceeds latest estimated completion time.
c.       earliest and latest estimated completion times are equal to each other.
d.      earliest and latest estimated completion times have no relationship to each other.

Answer: a                          Page Reference:  77                           Difficulty:  Hard

44.  The time that a task can be delayed without delaying the completion of the project is called:

a.       early finish.
b.      late finish.
c.       total slack.
d.      free slack.

Answer: c                          Page Reference:  78                           Difficulty:  Moderate

45.  The scheduling technique that uses optimistic, pessimistic, and realistic time estimates to calculate an expected task duration is called:

a.       critical path scheduling.
b.      PERT.
c.       WBS.
d.      iterative analysis.

Answer: b                         Page Reference:  79-80                                  Difficulty:  Moderate

Essay and Problem-Solving Questions

46.  Describe the formal steps that are typically taken in an organization to trigger the initiation of a systems development project. Who are the people involved in requesting, evaluating, and managing the process, and what documents and processes are involved?


The potential need for a project is usually triggered when a business manager or system user identifies a problem or opportunity that can be addressed by an information system. Based on this motivation, a request is made to a project review board, often via a formal document called a System Service Request (SSR). This is typically one of many SSRs that are considered by the review board, which prioritizes and ranks the requests, selecting those that seem most suited for meeting the organizational goals and objectives. If a project is selected, it is assigned to a steering committee and a project manager, who conduct a feasibility assessment  study in order to determine whether the project makes sense from an economic and operational standpoint. If so, the detailed planning and execution of the project commences, under the leadership of the project management and the oversight of the steering committee.

Page Reference:  52-54                                  Difficulty:  Moderate

47.  Identify and describe the activities that a project manager typically engages in during the course of a systems project, and the skills required for successfully accomplishing these tasks.


The project manager is involved in several key activities, including leading, management, customer relations, technical problem solving, conflict resolution, team management, and risk/change management. As a leader and team manager, communication skills are key for articulating the goals of the project, influencing and guiding the team members toward these goals, and serving as a liaison between the project team and other stakeholders. Planning and scheduling skills are required for breaking the project into a set of tasks and recognizing the sequences and dependencies between these tasks. Problem-solving and analytical skills are necessary for interpreting the customers’ system requirements, identifying and resolving conflicts, identifying and designing systems solutions. These skills are also important for evaluating team member performance, and for recognizing and assessing risks and opportunities during project execution. 

Page Reference:  54-55                                  Difficulty:  Moderate

48.  List and describe the project management steps involved in project initiation.


During project initiation, the project manager assesses project size and scope, and establishes procedures for subsequent steps of the project.  This involves several specific activities. For example, the project manager establishes a project initiation team including one or more user representatives and systems development persons. Initial contact with the customer takes place in initiation as well, in order to begin the relationship that will last throughout the project. With the customer and the team, a project initiation plan is established that eventually evolves into the system service request. Management procedures are developed for communication and reporting, job assignments and roles, change management, and funding.  All of this planning constitutes the first entries into the project workbook, which will grow and evolve for the duration of the project.

Page Reference:  54, 62                     Difficulty:  Moderate

49.  What is a project workbook? What purpose does it serve? At what point in the project is it created and maintained? Name and describe the main sections of a project workbook.


The project workbook is the central repository of all documentation and correspondence related to the systems project. It is the key source of communication, orientation, auditing, and management for a project, and can be stored in hard-copy or electronic format, often on the organization’s Web site to provide easy access for team members. The workbook is initially created during project initiation and is maintained and modified throughout the planning and execution of the project. The workbook consists of a project overview, the initiation plan and SSR, descriptions of the project scope and risks, and procedures for managing the project. In addition, design and analysis documents such as data and process descriptions are included. Team correspondences are added to the workbook, providing a log of communications that take place over the course of the project. The statement of work is also included to help members recall which promises were made to customers. Finally, the project schedule is included in order to provide a progress tracking mechanism. 

Page Reference:  63                           Difficulty:  Moderate

50.  Describe the main activities that take place during the project planning phase of project management. What are the main outputs that result from the planning phase, and who is the audience of each of these outputs?


During planning, the project manager starts with an analysis to determine the scope of the problem, solution alternatives, and feasibility. Once this is done, the project is broken into tasks and organized hierarchically in a work breakdown structure (WBS). This process leads to establishment of a preliminary schedule, which involves identifying dependencies, durations, and sequences of the tasks; project management software tools are useful here for constructing Gantt charts and identifying critical tasks and paths in the project. Resource requirements are determined, and personnel are assigned to the different tasks of the projects. Standards and procedures, which may have been started during the project initiation phase, are refined and fleshed out. Risk assessment is another important activity of project planning; these include factors such as new technologies, customer resistance to change, competitive pressures, regulations, and team member inexperience. Based on scheduling, resource needs, and risk evaluation, a preliminary budget is created. The main outputs of the planning phase are a statement of work, which is developed primarily for the customer, and a baseline plan which is used by team members during the execution of the project to track progress.

Page Reference:  64-69                                  Difficulty:  Moderate

51.  What is a baseline project plan, and what is its purpose? What information is contained within it and how is that information used and updated during the course of a project’s execution? What factors may cause pressure to change to baseline plan, and how are these factors dealt with? How do Gantt charts assist in using and maintaining the baseline plan?


The baseline project plan is the major document produced by the project planning process and is used for guiding the project team through project execution. It consists of estimates of task durations and sequences as well as resource requirements for the project. During project execution the project manager puts the baseline plan into action, which means starting the tasks and assigning the resources. Progress on tasks is monitored and compared against the estimates of the baseline plan. As tasks are completed, they are marked off in the plan. Actual progress on current tasks is compared against the baseline plan estimates, and this sometimes results in making modifications to future task estimates. In some organizations, changes to the plan must be formally approved by a steering committee. But some changes are inevitable, such as slipped completion dates, bungled tasks, identification of new activities that had not previously been anticipated, or changes to personnel. Gantt charts help to identify where slips are being encountered, and what effects these slips will have on future activities, enabling the project manager to reallocate resources or reschedule tasks in order to avoid project delays.

Page Reference:  70-71                                  Difficulty:  Moderate

52.  Compare and contrast the two types of diagrams for representing project schedules. In particular, describe the appearance of each of the diagrams, indicate the features of the schedules that are emphasized by each, and identify how tasks, their relationships, and their time frames are represented in each diagram.


The two types of diagrams for representing project schedules are the Gantt chart and the Network diagram.  A Gantt chart displays as a list of tasks arranged vertically, and for each task a horizontal bar that represents the task’s start and end point and overall duration. Although the Gantt chart may also include thin lines connecting one horizontal bar to another in order to represent dependency links, the main strength of a Gantt chart is its representation of task durations and time overlaps between tasks. By contrast, Network diagrams represent tasks as circles or rectangular boxes, and dependencies between these tasks as lines connecting the boxes. The main focus of the Network diagram is to visually represent task dependencies. There is no pictorial representation of task durations in Network diagrams; instead the start and end times are represented by text within the task boxes.

Page Reference:  65-66, 74-76                       Difficulty:  Moderate

53.  What is a critical path? Why is it important for a project manager to know the critical path for the project? Describe how the critical path is calculated, and relate the concept of critical path to the concept of slack time.


A critical path is the sequence of connected activities that make up the longest overall duration of the project, and therefore represents the shortest possible time that the project can take. This is important for project managers because it provides the capability to estimate the project completion time, and it also indicates where resources need to be focused in order to prevent delays in the project. Calculating the critical path involves two main steps. First, the earliest possible completion time for each task is calculated by summing the elapsed times of all tasks in the path leading to the task. If more than one path leads to the task, then the greater of the two sums is used. This first step is done in a forward fashion, starting with the earlier tasks and moving to the later. The next step is to calculate the latest possible completion time for each task, which is the latest time a task can complete without extending the overall duration of the project. Start at the end by using the earliest completion time for the final task as the latest. Then move backward, subtracting the estimated time from the successor task to determine the latest completion for the predecessor task. The slack time for each task is the difference between its latest and earliest completion times. Tasks with no slack make up the critical path; those tasks that have slack are not on the critical path.

Page Reference:  76-78                      Difficulty:  Hard

54.  For the table below, draw a network diagram for the tasks of this project. Use the critical path method to determine the shortest expected duration for the project. Identify the tasks that make up the critical path in this project.

Task No.
Task Description
Estimated Duration
Predecessor Tasks
Feasibility Analysis

Interview Users
Study System Documentation
Generate Use Case Diagrams
Generate Use Case Descriptions
Generate Class Diagrams
Evaluate Alternative Design Solutions
Select Design Solution


Network Diagram:

Calculation of early/late finish and identification of critical path

Shortest project duration is 19 days. Critical path is 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8.

Page Reference:  76-78                      Difficulty:  Hard

55.  What does the acronym PERT stand for? What is it used for? Give the PERT formula and define each of its elements.


PERT stands for Program Evaluation Review Technique. It is used to calculate the expected time duration for a task given optimistic, pessimistic, and realistic completion times. The formula is the following:

                  ET = (o + 4r + p)/6

where o represents the optimistic time duration, r represents the realistic duration, and p represents the pessimistic duration.

Page Reference:  79-80                                  Difficulty:  Moderate

56.  Consider the following scenario. For a particular project task, you envision that in a worst-case scenario the task will take 12 days. In a best-case scenario, the task will take only 4 days. But, the most likely scenario is that the task will take 10 days. Based on the PERT method, what is the expected task duration?


The formula is the following:

                  ET = (o + 4r + p)/6 = (4 + 4*10 + 12) / 6   = 

(4 + 40 + 12)/6  =  56/6 =

 9 1/3 days.

Page Reference:  79-80                                  Difficulty:  Moderate

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